Saturday, December 23, 2006

Snowing in Singapore

Today Daddy and Mummy brought me to Tanglin Mall for the snow thing, wow, it was really fun. Hehehe.......actually it's not real snow lah, it's just the foam thing, but all the kids had lots of fun with the foam snow =]

It's like snow falling on us, I like it.

Visiting my friend in the hospital

My good friend - Carlin went in for the hospital for some eye surgery, she too was a miracle child, doctor ever commented that she'll not survived beyond 2 year old, but then guess what right now she is turning 7 in this month =]

When I reached the hospital she was in the operation theatre, we waited for quite a while for her to be out. She was a very brave girl , she didn't cry throught out and after the surgery and I personally made a card for her =)
Thank God she for her speedy recovery =]

Monday, December 11, 2006

My 3 days Art Camp

Last week, mummy had signed me up for some art camp thing by the Very Special Arts. Initially, I was kind of very reluctant to go, cos I've not join such camp before and unaware of what's happening. What's worst is, mummy will not be with me for this 3 day camp, it's unlike the Clubmed mini club, that one at least mummy is around at the same premises with me, but over here, she is totally not around.

But on the 1st day, I was so warmly welcomed by all the big brothers and sisters that I felt much better. (the big brothers and sisters are the volunteers for the 3 days camp) After spending sometime with them, I realised that they are such great fun people, and I had lots of fun playing with them. Hehehe.....I quite like this camp afterall =]

On the 2nd day, we had a great outing to the Botanical Garden. It's been a long time I last went to Botanical Garden. For the very 1st time, mummy allowed me to bring along digital camera, and I really did take good care of the camera mummy entrusted to me. I also took many artistic photos =]

Our group photo =]

I took some pictures of the swans and ducks for mummy to see, and I even plucked some beautiful flowers for mummy

On the 3rd, hehehe......we had a small performance for our parents, and the MP - Mayor Matthias Yao was there too, to watch us perform and to give out prizes =]

Hahaha......I act as one of the trees, know which is me????

Here's the close up of me, aren't I look cute in that tree props =P

There's also a mini art exhibition after our performance =]

I've made this Christmas card in the camp, specially for my dear Mummy =)

At the end of this 3 day camp, I told mummy that I would want to be back again next year for this camp, it's fun.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

my best holiday =]

wow..........i've just returned from the best holiday i ever had. it was fun going to ClubMed, and i want to be back again the next time.

every day, mummy will just drop me off at the Mini Club in Clubmed. (Mini Club is a place where they have all the nicest people to take care of us the whole day) i'll just stay with them from 9am til night, it's fun. cos every day, every hour they have different activities to keep us occupy, we had fun. =)

on my 1st day, i baked cookies, yum yum, this is no problem for me, cos last year mummy baked many cookies for friends during Christmas and i helped her.

don't i look good with that chef's hat on? =p

hey, that's not just all, i've tried the trapeze, and i wasn't scared at all, mummy tried the 1st time, she was too scared and she back out half way, but after seeing me "the brave boy" did it, she was determined to go for it too.

see that long ladder that i got to climb before trying the trapeze.........mummy was scared while climbing up, hehehe...... =)

see i wasn't scared at all =)

i also tried the archery

i picked up golf too, and i've got many tips from the golf G.O =)

see, i'm very serious in learning golf

at times, we just have fun in the pool after going to the beach

have any idea what i'm doing?

i did T-shirt printing, see, doesn't it look nice?

on the last night, i did some performance for a mini concert, can you guess which is me??

haha...that's me =)

umm......actually i kind of feel shy wearing that costume

there are still many more things that i times mumy didn't have the chance to take it with her camera. well, at the end of my trip, Mini Club Med awarded me with a Diploma Certificate, wow, can't believe i've got my diploma cert at such young age, hehehehe =]

Friday, November 24, 2006

doctor's good report =]

today, i just went for my regular doctor's check-up cum reviews appointment after my last year's operation on my leg. today's appointment was to see if i should go for another operation to help me walk better.

on our way to the the hospital, mummy suddenly said a prayer in the car for all of us to agree on. she prayed that today the doctors and the physiotherapist will give very good reports regarding my progress after my last year surgery, and that i WILL NOT need to go for any other surgery. we had always believe that I'M Perfectly and Totally HEALED through the finished work of Jesus. Mummy also prayed that my healing is from the finished work of Jesus and not by the works of man.

actually inside me i also do not wish to go through another operation, after last year that operation, i'm kind of scared already, it's really very very painful and scary. i can never forget how i cried in pain after the operation. not only that, after the operation, both my legs were on cast, and it's not easy for me to move around and my mummy and daddy had hard time taking care of me too. but thk God it's all over. mummy told me that i was very brave during that time, and she was really proud of me. =]

i had always mentioned, GOD has never never fail me. what we prayed and agreed on earlier on really came to pass. 1st - was the physiotherapist, he was impressed with my progress and was really happy to see my achievements =]
after that was to see the doctors, and they too were pleased with my progress, and need not go for the operation at this moment, and what makes mummy happy was, we only need to go back and see the doctor one year later. =]

wow, aren't you impressed that i have such a mighty God who loves me soooooo much and had never fail to bless me and answer all my prayers =]

Monday, November 13, 2006

my exams reaults are out =]

all Glory to Jesus, i've got good results for my exams. by the Grace of God, i've manged to get all Band 1 for all my 3 subjects.

hehehehe.....even i myself can't believe that i can get such good results. honestly, i really feel good about it. want to know what's the secret to have good exams results??? the secret is to pray and ask Jesus for wisdom before doing my all exams paper. hahahaha..........

so the what i want to say is, you will do well and reign in life, when you have Jesus in your life =]

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My God is Good =]

for the past months i had been wanting to buy a set of 1200 pcs of lego toy, no doubt i'm a big boy now, but then the love of toys is still in me. but then the sad news is my mummy refused to let me buy, cos it's kind of costly =[

i had been faithfully saving so that i can buy that toy, but then it'll take quite a while. =[
once again, mummy had reminded me of asking my Daddy God for it, so i prayed and hope earnestly in my heart that i'll get my desire granted.

ALL Glory to Jesus, my uncle which is my daddy's brother blessed me with $300 all of a sudden, and he told me that, the money is for me to buy whatever "I" like.............=]
which means i can buy whatever i want and i like, mummy & daddy had allowed me to make decisions on how i want to spend my $300. wow......isn't my GOD great, He had really never fail to answer the desires in my heart. this may not be the 1st time experiencing that, but every time when i see how He answered my prayer, just makes me feel that I AM so LOVED by HIM.

hahahaha..........last sunday, i finally finally got my desire toy. =]

Thank you, Jesus, U are so wonderful =]

Friday, November 03, 2006

Hallelujah!!!! My exams over =]

Hallelujah, and Praise the Lord, exams over. That means it's playtime for me everyday, yea, yea, yea........... =]

Even tough, I've not gotten back my exams results, no worries =] my mummy & daddy has not stress me to get a certain grades, so long as I've done my best, they are happy with it. Whatever the results, I'll just trust Daddy God for it, cos I've commited every exam into His hands. So now I'm going to just relax and enjoy all my play time.

Hehehehe.......think my playtime will begin from tonight onwards...........hehehehe am already planning to go over my friend's house for our fun time =]

Thursday, October 19, 2006

my 2nd swimming badge

last saturday, i had my 2nd swimming test, i passed and gotten my 2nd swimming badge, Praise the Lord =] school exams are coming.........hai, this is my 1st time taking exams, so will be busy recently, and may not able to update my blog.

but do look forward for my year end holiday, daddy and mummy will be bringing me to Clubmed this year end, i believe we'll have great fun, and now pretty excited about it.

will keep you guys updated once again after my exams >_<

Thursday, October 05, 2006

animal party???

ROARRRR...........I'm a little lion, hehehehehe......
Last Sunday was Childrens' Day and it's also my friend Simone's Birthday, we went for her birthday party, and aunty Sue was so sweet, she got a face painter to let us kids have lots of fun painting our face and arms too =]

After my first lion face painting, I kept going back for more.........not on my face but my arms, in total I've got more than 6-7 paintings on me, hehehehe......... At the end, there were so many different animals in the party..........

Here comes the pretty Simone butterfly.

Next we have Carlin the pussy cat, meow..........

some of my friends were too shy to paint on their faces, so they had it on their arms instead.

even my mummy and aunty edna join in the fun too, they had their arms painted, guess which is my mummy's.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Updates of my pets =]

remember some time ago, my daddy and mummy bought 2 small lobsters and 2 small crabs for me as my new pets? it's been more than a month, and have u been wondering how's my pets? ok, just to update, 2 crabs and 1 lobster had died and eaten up by one super aggressive lobster, she is so aggressive, we named her the "QUEEN", cos she'll go round attacking the crabs and her lobster friend, and then she'll eat them up =[

seeing "Queen" alone in the tank, mummy feel that she is too lonely and we decided to get another 4 more lobsters to stay with her, on the 1st day, when "Queen" saw new lobsters coming in, she started to attack all the other lobsters again, and all the other 4 lobsters which were smaller than her, were all living in fear and stress. so mummy decided to separate her out from the others and put her in another small tank, sort of discipline her, the next day "Queen" did the same thing again, she attacked the other lobsters, and we separated her again, and finally, the last time, very strangely "Queen" seems to understand it, when we put her back in to the tank with other lobsters, she behaved well, and when she attempted to attack other lobsters, we point out our finger at her, she will run away and from then on she had never attack other lobsters anymore, wow, isn't that amazing about lobsters. =]

mummy and me had always love to watch and observe how animals behave, and we are always curious to know how animals behave, that's why our favourite tv programme is "Animal Planet" mummy and me can sit there for hours just watching "Animal Planet" together, and we too always like sit near the tank to watch and observe our pets, and mummy will always read up more about the animals we rear and then explain everything that she knows to me. the other time we had guppies, mummy taught me how the guppies mate, and i witness the mummy guppies gave birth, it's awesome.

this time, mummy told me that lobsters will "molt" which is sheding of their old shell when they grow bigger. The remaining old shell is a perfect double of the lobster, down to the claws, legs, mouth parts, and even the covering of the eyeballs, and the lobster will eat up their old shell to help them harden their new shell, interesting right? it's so fun to rear lobsters, they are practically hassle-free pets, we don't really have to take special care of them, unlike rearing fish.

this is the old shell of the lobster.

See, the lobster is eating up her old shell to so-call strengthen herself

This time round, we've got a group of super active lobsters, they like to climb and move around, see, how they climb trees, ops, i mean the plants =]

My lobsters' favourite is the feeding time, see, how they enjoyed their food.

That's the "Queen" lobster on the wood, see how much she had grown.
PS: i use "she" for all my lobsters cos all of them are female lobsters, mummy read up about lobsters and taught me how to differentiate male and female lobsters, we are considering to buy some male lobsters to mate with the female lobsters and hoping to have some baby lobsters =]